About HAS Humane Animal Society in Coimbatore:
One of our most active volunteers, Sabina Jousma, visited this shelter annex clinic and was very enthusiastic. She sent me a lot of information, some pictures and even a self made video. (See underneath at this page)
Volunteer opportunities
As a volunteer at HAS, you will have opportunities to learn different approaches to veterinary medicine and help treat illnesses and injuries that are uncommon in developed countries. You will also be able to ride on HAS’s animal ambulance with staff who catch and release street dogs and respond to emergency rescue calls.
Approximately 12-20 surgeries are done per day (including spay and neuter), so that means a real lot of surgical exposure for you. Additionally, we hope you will share your knowledge and experience so as to help make sustained improvements to our programs.
So there are many possibilities for vet-students, students Animal Care and volunteers without special animal-education.
Here a link with a story from a Dutch vet, who visited this shelter-clinic.
Story of Anna
Possibilities for vetstudents
Vetstudents are very welcome and in the first week they can assist with operations and later on - depending on their capacities - they can operate themselves. It would be great when they can stay for more than 2 weeks, but even in that period you can learn a lot. There are always many dogs and cats for spay/neuter operations and even other animals as well for other types of operations.
Workingtimes are normal, so 5 (or if you like 6) days per week 8 hours per day.
For vetstudents, official vets and volunteers there is an apartment available within walking distance of the clinic, for the special price of 20 Euro p.p.p.n. in 2024 and 2025.
There are 3 beds available and when this is fully booked, there is the possibility of a nearby guesthouse for about the same price.