Aanvlieghaven: Porto (OPO)
Er zijn hier 350 honden en ca. 60 katten
Asielhouder: Jackie Dias.
Voor welke bezoekers is dit asiel geschikt? Zowel MBO Dierverzorging als WO Diergeneeskunde (1e t/m 4e jaars).
Maar ook vrijwilligers met en zonder ervaring met het verzorgen van dieren zijn hier van harte welkom!
Er is door het asiel een speciale afspraak gemaakt als accommodatie met een nieuw en modern hostel in het centrum van Santa Maria da Feira. Hier een link er naar toe: https://hosteldapraca.pt/ en ook deze: https://www.portuguese.hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/Hostel-da-Praca/Santa-Maria-da-Feira/273956
De basisaccommodatie bestaat uit moderne en keurige tweepersoonskamers met aparte bedden. Deze kamers worden dagelijks goed schoongemaakt. Voor een kleine bijbetaling kan er ook gebruik worden gemaakt van het ontbijt-buffet. Ook is het mogelijk om een eigen kamer voor 1 persoon te reserveren tegen een meerprijs en als je korting wilt hebben, kun je slapen in een 8-persoons-kamer. Prijs van dit hostel (per 15 jan. ’24) is € 22,50 pp op basis van een 2-pers. kamer.
Ook is het bij dit hostel aantrekkelijk dat er een grote gemeenschappelijke keuken is, met meerdere koelkasten waar iedereen zijn eten in kan opslaan en tevens daar kan gaan klaarmaken met behulp van foruizen en later kan alles gaan openen. De keuken is voorzien van servies, kopjes, bestek, ed dat gebruikt mag worden.
De badkamers zijn ook zeer fraai met diverse douchecabines. Ook kunnen er elektrische fietsen gehuurd worden. Verder is er een groot buitenterras vóór het hostel, dat zich centraal in het dorp bevindt. Ook dichtbij zijn supermarkten en andere winkels, waaronder een bank.
Deze accommodatie kan het gemakkelijkste via het asiel worden gereserveerd en betaald.
Daarnaast betaal je per door-de-weekse dagen € 24 p.p.p.d. (dus 5 dagen per week) voor de begeleiding in het asiel. Omdat het veel tijd kost voor de betaalde krachten in het asiel om alle vrijwilligers goede uitleg over alle aspecten van dit veelzijdige werk te bieden, wordt met ingang van dit jaar deze toeslag berekend.
Er is ook een reserve hostel gecontracteerd voor als Hostel Del Praca volgeboekt is. Dat is Feira Hostel & Suites. Kijk verder op: http://www.feirahostel.pt/
Voor alle uitgebreide Engelstalige informatie over deze accommodatie, plus de transfers van en naar de luchthaven, de betalingsmogelijkheden en de annuleringsbepalingen, verwijs ik je naar de informatie die je op de website van het asiel kunt lezen: www.aanifeira.pt

Voertaal: Engels
Hoe daar te komen? Er zijn vele dagelijkse rechtstreekse vluchten vanaf Schiphol en Brussel naar Porto. Je wordt persoonlijk van de luchthaven afgehaald en weer teruggebracht. Dit zal worden gedaan via een UBER-taxi, waar het management van het asiel ook een speciale afspraak van de bezoekers aan hen heeft kunnen maken. De actuele kosten daarvoor kun je opvragen via het asiel. Rechtstreeks te betalen aan de chauffeur die van te voren is geinformeerd over de speciale prijs voor deze lange transfer van en naar de luchthaven.
Locaal vervoer: Er zijn busverbindingen met de stad Porto.
Vaccinaties: Voor dit asiel graag zorgen dat je Tetanus vaccinatie nog geldig is. Geen rabies-vaccinatie nodig.
Email: international@aanifeira.pt
Websites: www.aanifeira.pt en http://aanifeira.wordpress.com
Bijzonderheden: Met dit asiel hebben wij veel ervaring opgedaan. Wij zijn er persoonlijk geweest en hebben gezien hoe een enthousiast team van vrijwilligers van dit vroegere dodingsstation een prima werkend en diervriendelijk asiel heeft gemaakt. Vrijwilligers ook zonder ervaring kunnen hier geweldig goed werk doen om de asieldieren te verzorgen, te borstelen en uit te laten.
Waar bovendien in de door hen zelf gebouwde dierenkliniek jaarlijks vele honderden operaties worden verricht door 2 eigen dierenartsen. Deze operaties kunnen worden bijgewoond door de bezoekende vrijwilligers,
De meeste te opereren dieren zijn van particulieren, bijv. erfdieren van mensen uit de agrarische omgeving. Daar zitten de nodige sterilisaties tussen, maar hoeveel dit er per dag zijn is moeilijk aan te geven. Dat kan verschillen tussen 1 en 3 per dag.
Voor een persoonlijk stageverslag, klik hier.
Voor de studenten Diergeneeskunde: er zijn meestal 2 eigen dierenartsen werkzaam op werkdagen. Omdat in Portugal niet zelfstandig door studenten mag worden geopereerd, is dit adres meer bedoeld voor studenten Dierverzorging en studenten Diergeneeskunde 1e t/m 4e jaars. Zij kunnen hier zeer veel kennis opdoen o.a. met Mediterrane ziektes.
Here some information for vet-students I got from my contact-person of this clinic:
All vet students are welcome but please also note that we are NOT an exclusive spay/neuter clinic and that some other surgeries are performed. As you are not qualified or registered in Portugal by the Portuguese Veterinary Board we cannot allow you to perform any surgeries on your own and you would always be working under the supervision of our own veterinarians. Some participation is permitted in surgeries but also just looking on and learning is part of this depending on the surgery at the time. It should be noted that there may be other veterinary interns (4 max.) here at the same time as you are.
We usually have 1 to 2 surgeries daily throughout the week but this depends on surgery bookings. Friday afternoon is usually free for the volunteers but if there are surgeries you are welcome to stay and help out. Saturday is very busy with many visitors/adoptions/volunteers and consultations from the general public.
It is very important for students to be pro-active, ask questions, get into everything to ensure that you get the most out of your time with us. In addition there are other duties for veterinary interns such as taking care of the shelter and our members’ animals in general. For your information we have two shifts stretching throughout the day as follows:
MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 09H00 > 17H30 / 13H00 > 20H00
SATURDAYS - 09H00 > 17H00
You may have already seen our page on internships on our English blog which is pretty much self-explanatory: http://aanifeira.wordpress.com/volunteer-internships/
HOSTEL DA PRAÇA – https://hosteldapraca.pt/
Praça da República Nº 6, 4520-176 Santa Maria da Feira
7 rooms with 8 bunk-beds each (male & female accommodation in all rooms) – Rate Euros 17,50 daily
- Each bunk-bed has a draw with lock for keeping valuables
- Guests staying in bunk-bedded rooms have access to modern kitchen equipped with fridge, microwave, stove, crockery and cutlery
- Modern male & female bathrooms within easy access of bedrooms
6 private rooms with bathroom, kitchenette, TV, desk and possibility of an additional 3 extra beds (some in bunk bed form)
- Prices on request (seasonal)
Meals at Hostel da Praça
Volunteers have the use of the kitchen for their own preparation of meals as mentioned above.
The bar at Hostel da Praça serves drinks and snacks to guests and the general public throughout each day until 20h30.
NOTE: Volunteers from Hostel da Praça can join volunteers at Feira Hostel & Suites for dinner at the Restaurante Os Vinte and take advantage of the special price of Euros 8 p.p. for a SET MENU. This is only applicable if Hostel da Praça volunteers are accompanied by volunteers from Feira Hostel & Suites.
Special Notes:
- Breakfast is NOT INCLUDED in the above prices
- Extra cost for breakfast €2,50 per person paid direct to Hostel da Praça by guest
- Check-in desk open 24 hours
- Electric bikes available for hire
- Free internet/WIFI
- Daily cleaning of room
- NO laundry service for personal belongings available
- Towels available on request at reception
- Recreation room – Billiards
- Bar
- 2 Esplanades – one in the square outside in front of the Hostel and the other in the interior area of the hostel
- Computer and newspapers for guest use
FEIRA HOSTEL & SUITES – http://www.feirahostel.pt/
Rua Dr. Elísio de Castro, N.20, Santa Maria da Feira
1 large room with 14 bunk-beds each (male & female accommodation) – Rate Euros 17,50 daily
- Each bunk-bed has a draw with lock for keeping valuables
- Guests staying in bunk-bedded rooms have access to modern kitchen equipped with fridge, microwave, stove, crockery and cutlery. The kitchen has a small terrace which can be used as well for taking meals
- Modern male & female separate bathrooms within easy access of bunk bedroom
1 twin bedded room with private bathroom and 3 double bedded rooms with private bathroom
- Prices on request (seasonal)
- Extra beds are available (max. 2) per room – Price on request (seasonal)
- Guests staying in private rooms have access to modern kitchen equipped with fridge, microwave, stove, crockery and cutlery. The kitchen has a small terrace which can be used as well for taking meals.
Meals at Feira Hostel & Suites
Volunteers have the use of the kitchen for their own preparation of meals as mentioned above.
The Restaurant “OS VINTE” located right next door and part of the Feira Hostel & Suites, is open to the public.
AANIFEIRA’s reserved guests at Feira Hostel & Suites can have dinner with a SET MENU from Tuesdays to Fridays only for a special price of Euros 8,00 P.P. Volunteers staying at Hostel da Praça can join volunteers staying at Feira Hostel & Suites for dinner as long as they are accompanied by a volunteer from Feira Hostel & Suites.
NOTE: OS VINTE Restaurant will only open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with a minimum of 10 reservations from the general public and therefore this may or may not affect the opening of the restaurant for AANIFEIRA’s guests.
Special Notes:
- Breakfast is INCLUDED in the above prices
- No check-in desk
- Time of arrival at hostel needs to be defined and advised to owner, Mrs. Carla Marques, for her to personally receive guests, show them to their rooms and hand over a magnetic key
- No customer service for arrivals during the hours of 24h00 to 06h00
- Free internet/WIFI
- Daily cleaning service and changing of towels
- Laundry service for personal belongings available at a small charge
- Vigilance cameras in all public areas of hostel
- Emergency situations – Contact: Carla Marques Tel: (+351) 924299089
A Meia Perdida Self-Service Lavandaria – https://a-meia-perdida-lavandaria-self-service.negocio.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral – 5 mins walk from each hostel.
Both hostels, Hostel da Praça and Feira Hostel & Suites, are located in the same street within 3 mins walking distance from each other.
There are several recommended restaurants, within less than 5 mins walking distance from these Hostels, as follows:
Restaurant | Location / Website | Opening Hours |
Botica do Baco | Attached on left hand side to Hostel da Praça | Mon > Thurs: 08h00 > 02h00 (+1)
Fri, Sat & Sun: 08h00 > 04h00 (+1) |
Restaurante Taste | Rua das Fogaceiras 9, 4520-161 Santa Maria da Feira | Mon closed / Tues 11h00 >1500 – 18h00 > 00h00 / Wed > Sat 10h30 > 00h00 / Sunday 11h00 > 15h00 – 18h00 > 00h00 |
Praçeta Restaurante & Pizzaria | http://www.praceta.pt/ | Open Mon > Sat 07h00 > 02h00 (+1) / closed Sundays |
Amandius Restaurant | https://www.restauranteamandius.pt/ | Mon > Sat 07h00 > 02h00 (+1) / closed Sundays |
Os Vinte | http://www.praceta.pt/ | Tues > Sun 12h00 > 00h00 (closed for dinner on Tues & Wed if there are less than 10 reservations).
Special price SET MENU for volunteers from Hostel da Praça as long as they are accompanied by a volunteer/s from Feira Hostel & Suites. |
Payment for accommodation on behalf of a volunteer will be the responsibility of AANIFEIRA.
ALL extras over and above this will be at the volunteer’s OWN expense.
Total prepayment to AANIFEIRA for accommodation by the volunteer to be made 4 weeks prior to arrival. Bank details will be supplied in an email along with general information prior to volunteer’s arrival.
Any cancellations for internships with accommodation already booked and confirmed that are received seven (7) days or less before the arrival date or if a volunteer terminates their internship during their stay, will incur a minimum cancellation fee to the value of three (3) nights of the reserved accommodation.
AANIFEIRA also VERY MUCH WELCOMES volunteers who have organized their own alternative accommodation and/or not, their own transport. These internships can be for a few days (if someone is here on holiday and wanting to help out) or longer (depending on the request) and all details of these arrangements will be discussed and communicated by email or telephone between the volunteer and AANIFEIRA prior to arrival.
All volunteers with arranged alternative accommodation either within the radius of Santa Maria da Feira or further away, will need to make their own way in getting to the appointed Meeting Point (see below) to catch the daily (except Sunday) transfers to and from the shelter.
Meeting Point – MORNING:
Front of Igreja Matriz Santa Maria da Feira (main church)
Largo do Camões, Santa Maria da Feira – GPS: 40.924134, -8.542175
At the agreed time at the end of the day, an AANIFEIRA staff member will drop the volunteer back to the Meeting Point for the volunteer to arrange their own transportation back to their accommodation.
Airport > Hostel in Santa Maria da Feira – Price: Euros 25 one way or Euros 50 roundtrip
- Special arrangement with an UBER driver of our confidence.
- Price is for 1 or up to 3 pax in one car depending on the size of suitcases.
- If suitcases are very large then a second car may be necessary. AANIFEIRA will clarify this with volunteers prior to arrival.
- Procedure for collection:
- Volunteer arrives at airport and walks to outside front street area of airport
- UBER driver has tracked flight and will be waiting at a location very close to arrival area
- Volunteer advises AANIFEIRA representative via WhatsApp message or telephone call that they are waiting out the front. Note: An email will be sent several days beforehand advising of the AANIFEIRA representative’s contact details
- AANIFEIRA advises UBER driver to go and collect volunteer
- AANIFEIRA informs volunteer of UBER driver’s type of car, license registration plate and name of driver for easy identification
- Payment by volunteer directly to UBER driver at destination.
Important Note:
AANIFEIRA is very happy to also organize UBER transfers for any volunteers who have OTHER accommodation arrangements, be they airport to hotel transfers or outings for the day etc.
This also applies to ALL volunteers wanting to just book a day out in Porto or at a location close by on any day they wish. Prices will be given based on the destination.
All payments for these services will be at the volunteers’ own expense and paid directly to the UBER driver on the day of the transfer.
Any NO SHOW for an appointed reservation made with the UBER driver implies a cancellation fee of 50% of the value of the transfer. This value can be paid to AANIFEIRA for subsequent payment to the UBER driver.
Hostel (Santa Maria da Feira) > AANIFEIRA SHELTER > Hostel (Santa Maria da Feira) – round trip service
- Daily (except Sunday) free of charge provided by AANIFEIRA
Collection at pre-determined time from:
- Front of Igreja Matriz Santa Maria da Feira (main church, less than 5 mins walk from BOTH hostels) at the following address: Largo do Camões , Santa Maria da Feira – GPS: 924134, -8.542175
AANIFEIRA will only be responsible for the daily transfers BETWEEN THE PROPOSED MEETING POINT AND THE SHELTER for those students staying at the Hostel da Praça and Feira Hostel & Suites in Santa Maria da Feira.o
Volunteers with alternative accommodation, looking to join the free AANIFEIRA transfers to and from the shelter, will need to make their own travel arrangements in getting to and from the appointed Meeting Point (see above).
Upon notification of a new request for a volunteer internship to international@aanifeira.pt from Mr. Hanno Berger, a follow-up email with full information will be sent by AANIFEIRA to the volunteer in question outlining duties, timings, details of accommodation and dates, bank details for pre-payment, as well as other useful information.
The email will also include the following documentation:
VETERINARIANS (Qualified & Student)
- Registration Form
- Vet Activities Plan
- Declaration Surgeries
- General Information Sheet
VETERINARY NURSES (Qualified & Student)
- Registration Form
- Vet Activities Plan
- General Information Sheet
BIOLOGY/ZOOLOGY (Qualified & Student)
- Registration Form
- Vet Activities Plan
- General Information Sheet
ANIMAL CARE (Student – all areas)
- Registration Form
- General Information Sheet
MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC (interested and passionate about Animal Welfare)
- Registration Form
- General Information Sheet
Wanneer 2 of 3 studenten tegelijk daar aanwezig zijn, worden deze shifts in overleg verdeeld, waardoor er ook meer individuele aandacht per student kan zijn. Als je samen bent, blijf je in principe ook samen werken.
De zaterdag is daar (net zoals bij de meeste andere asielen) de wisseldag.
O.a. de nabij gelegen stad Porto is erg aantrekkelijk om te bezoeken. (zie hieronder)