About Animal Rescue Sofia:
We have as Dierennood Foundation a long co-operation with Animal Rescue Sofia (AR Sofia). That animal welfare organization, is working on a professional level solving of the problems with the stray dogs population in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.
In the past 7 years AR Sofia has found new homes for nearly 5.000 straydogs and cats and spayed/neutered more than 10.000 dogs and cats, mainly females.
However as per March 1st, 2019, we do not accept new applications of vet-students for AR Sofia!
Students Animal Care or just volunteers who like to help us with the many dogs and cats are still very welcome in this big shelter.

"The Farm":
The Farm is the only private dog shelter in Sofia. With a capacity of 200 dogs it provides good care and sets an example in the country. There are playing areas, behavior training, grooming facility etc, which help the animals get used to a pets’ life and help their rehoming.
"Franziska" clinic:
“Franziska” clinic is placed in “The Farm” and provides professional vet care for both stray animals and pets. The large amount and diversity of the patients on a daily basis provide knowledge in all spheres of vet medicine in a short period.

Our team:
Dr Victoria Marincheva has specialized in cardiology, internal diseases, skin diseases, rehabilitation. She is the head of “Franziska” clinic and supervises the work of the other vets, staff and trainees.
Dr Polina Ilieva specializes in infectious and vector diseases, anaesthesiology and equine medicine.
Rooms for rent are available at the price of 15 Euro per day per person. The house is near the clinic. With 3 bedrooms, bathroom and a livingroom. Incl. a washing-machine, cooking facilities, microwave and a fridge.
Reservations can be made via Dierennood Foundation. Please send an email with your name, (eventually) study-year, dates for the accommodation and phonenr. to info@dierenstages.nl

Trainee programme:
Trainees in AR Sofia are always welcome as long as they do not forget animals are at the first place for our organization.
Vet students from all courses of studying are welcome. In “Franziska” they are taught in common medicine, diagnostics, surgery, skin diseases, infectious and vector diseases plus traumatology. Under the supervision of our vets, they work with patients, improve their skills and establish new ones.
Trainees in behavior, work with the dogs in the shelter under the supervision of our dog trainer.

You will have to make your own reservations for the flights to Sofia. Somebody of the shelter will pick you up and will bring you to the accommodation, which is near the shelter.
Extra information:
Vet students from all study-years are very welcome (1st-6th course). Of course, less experienced ones will be trained in basic skills in diagnostic, shelter medicine, first aid etc and higher classes can also be trained in surgery, infectious diseases, vector diseases (heartworm, leishmaniosis etc).
They must have in mind “Franziska” clinic works with both pets and stray animals, so the daily work includes communication with owners as well. The ones ONLY interested in surgery should know our surgeon does not agree to work with students, who are not showing the required qualities (regardless their study-year), so they will have to prove themselves first and their stay shouldn’t be less than 2 weeks.
Once approved by our surgeon, they can perform simple operations (spay & neuter male dogs, male and female cats) or assist him in orthopedic operations and more complicated cases. Please be advised spay/neuter operations are performed only between 11.00 and 14.00 hrs. Also the responsible official vet has to be present in the clinic.
Of course, it depends on the variety of patients there are in the clinic during their stay. When a spay & neuter campaign is scheduled for their stay, they may also accompany the team at other areas of Sofia with the mobile clinic.
Attention please:
Please bring your own operation-clothes with you. It will be to costly for the clinic to supply this for all vet-students. Thank you.